Memorizing The Future

 In this article, I try and collapse the prevalent tone or paradigm of techno-rational-materiality to help suggest an alternative path of spiritually embodied technology. A pan-dimensional re-embodied human awakening of inner energetic-psychic technology is available to us. The emotional and social limitations of our species, bred on unprocessed trans-generational trauma streaming back to our amoeba-hood and into our more recent epigenetic familial lineages, has left us battered, reduced and exposed. The resulting shock, hypervigilance, and dissociation that marks our psyches and embodied suffering, generate manifold obstacles for processing our realities with equanimity let alone realizing our potentials.

We have long acclimatized to accepting top-down, centralized power, and belief systems. We mature into submission through ways of viewing that take external projections of reality as the only path for knowledge, all because we cannot arrive at home in our skins and observe our minds. This ports into our modern era where the dictates from authoritive frameworks, brain trusts, and nepotistic power-sharing structures across institutions make for the slow adoption of out-sider ideas and progressive perspectives that integrate disparate fields into new layers of elegance.

In every sector of human endeavor, we channel our power into another being or an elect set of others. The direction of our energy dispensation — or focus — is warped because we cannot emphasize our sovereign empowerment and observe inner-space as the launchpad for seeing the manifest world, as it displays through the stained or filtered senses. In Gelugpa Mahayana Buddhism, we define the various types of minds of misapprehension that erupt through the senses of a human. These minds cognize in defiled or ignorant ways due to impurities of perception. This defiling becomes a belief for the conceptual mind and then acted upon.

This defiling is produced through the karma of ignorance and is a product in this realm of sensorial tension, friction, and the echoing mental narration we produce through language. This process carries through as epigenetic code, psychic inheritance, and the total of our organic natural habit. Generally, we are all subject to this confusion and only through meditational training and the correct view of mind(s), consciousness, the phenomenal world, and ultimate reality, do we start to loosen the knots of ingrained ignorance that runs deep into our base cognition.

We view the dance of activity around us as constituting self-arising things from sunsets to stomach aches, fractiously animating through random jolts when, in fact, all are interdependent. Additionally, our materialist view tends toward mesmerization with objects and the seeming objective stability of forms, both mental and physically discrete — an addiction to them as unvarying, including our personas.

Our science has peered into reality from a reduced and limited angle. We have viewed our science and our language from a linear strand of cause and effect that only admits a small portion of the interdependence picture.

Immateriality, as a philosophy, is a western counterpart in many respects to Dharma. The idea that all forms are mind imputed generating in relationship to the senses (or in Buddhism — the sense gates) bridges these views.

If we accept this, then we ventilate our minds with a logical exposure to the nature of impermanence and interdependence. We start to see a reality where the elemental dance of our perceived interior and exterior worlds act in a dynamic play of co-creative energy. This dance is premised in consciousness, not as a resulting bi-product of some chemical bio-physical process of maturation in creatures, but as an all-encompassing state of living sensorial information transcending any single aspect of physical embodiment or dimensionality.

This view can usher into our physics. We can envision the time where the continued shrinking and power-capacity of our tech sends us into the foundations of our physical cosmos, where a new physics emerges that directly incorporates the cognition of the human being. We can always use our tech development to see the nature of reality. As we observe the deeper intrigue of the material realms and the descriptive laws governing them, we make contact with an intersection of the physicalized world and the concordant inner state. A bible of electromagnetism, gravity waves effect on light, dielectric dances with geometry, fractal reflections, and multi-dimensional model merging tendencies, erupts on all scales and begins to invite a new angle where the human being in integral. In our re-opening unified field theories, we start to see a cosmos where our embodied energetic natures don’t just resemble an external realm of activity but are entangled in the most foundational way by them. But this has been know since Vedic times and exemplified in physics with tools for a hundred years.

Our mission is to look within. Now that our tools have told us enough about what we are, we must come to know that nature first hand and integrate that awareness with our techno-scientific maps as a living art form of transcendence.

The spiritual technology of our future rests on the emergence of conscious beings as the inevitable and integral layer of phenomenal activity. Again, the immateriality of all is only a discussion noticeable through sentience; we are essential to relative cosmic operations through our cognition, the quality of which is paramount! What are the actual constraints of that sentience? If we see through impermanence and discover the ultimate vibrant, conscious reality where subjectivity and objectivity break-down, can we self liberate and navigate our phyical manifestations in new ways?

Again, we live psychically under an umbrella of presumptions and psychic templating reality models from on-high. The hierarchal and dispersive social modes of our energy flow have meant that the individual is vastly discouraged, mutilated, and reduced.

The key to spiritual technology is to accept, fall in love with, and enhance through insight, practice, and faith — our full human being. We are the perfect conduit for all of our technological aspirations. We do not need the same kinds of tools we’ve been fashioning if we embrace our endogenous talents, natures, and the inner view of immateriality. A specter of impermanence, inter-dependence, and natural cosmic energy-on-tap.

Beingness seems to be the realization of a self recursive loop animating awareness by steering through the propulsion of the plasma-verse. It is the arising as any node in the great web of actualization, reflected in it’s totality and made singular through the dimensionality of sense perceptions. These are inferential realized extrapolations, but the hard science we use today is showing something similar.

The siren has sounded; we can adopt this knowledge about ourselves, our natures, and potentials if we heed the call, which blasts from every angle of our evolutionary cosmic story and back when we listen. As integral systems of culture, tech, health, and other ecologies have sped up and refined through our top-down energy vampiric framework we come to see the gaps. A mixed blessing, we have hit a natural stalled point in our philosophy of sciences and must now adopt a topographical view to be clear of the forest now that we have cataloged the trees.

A spiritual technological revolution is the invitation to leverage our more profound embodied wisdom and conjoin all of our absorbed observational intelligence seamlessly riding the wave of evolution to greater freedom, lest we devolve for fear of stepping out.

I view this through a perspective owing to Mahayana Buddhism, the Gelugpa sect of the Tibetan lineage with its shamanic Bon roots. I am also a practicing artist. The mediated notions of time-space and relationship through gathered ephemera and practical tools play into my view for an emergent new psychic-embodied-technological revolution. Still, it is not a cultural perspective shift that is needed; it is a conscious re-boot where the darkest parts of our mind call for illumination, despite the fear, this is the first gate of awakening. We must enable this without the baggage of past modalities and conceptual-cultural limits.

I see a frontier of scientific personal-art-form birthing if people can confront their shadowed psyches’, scarred in manifold ways. This shadow of ours erupts from our sub-cellular form conglomerates of impersonal collapsing energy — the black hole — from which we must liberate from our DNA and into our manifest habits. That black hole of entropic energy-pull comes from the lack of awareness of our spiritual natures. We need to re-educate our species on how to learn and how to see within — the techniques of self-awakening through taming the mind and building the heart.

I see a technology that does more than reach for the nature of stars. I see a technology that places us already among them, as one — self-illuminated and eternal.

What can we anticipate by connecting to and re-birthing our innate psycho-energetic gifts?

I see the induction of language produced through a synaesthesia of mediated portals, no longer reduced to mimicking of program language, online condensed flat hieroglyphics, or long-form linear expression such as this writing.

Sound, intention, the channeled physical bio-electric energy of the body, the open state of loving allowance, and conceptual knowledge of collective thought-forms acting as multi-sensory vision-field sculptures — are the methods for training intra-mental sharing. Yes, psychic powers.

We can expect new psychophysiological exercises for health, including DNA cell growth repair, through self psychometry. A type of remote-internal viewing cauterizing a feedback loop where the bodies’ somatic intelligence bridges with our awareness at a cognitive level. With various meditation, we can learn to bring heat and other qualities of energy to spaces in the body without intervention: profound physiological self-discovery and healing. These are ancient practices that can be re-introduced, encouraged, and advanced.

Remember, it is the actual acceptance of a new operating system of mind/heart intelligence overlap that offers the higher fundamental methods for self-propelled evolution. The path of the spirit enters the material and transmutes that domain with the elixir of higher reality frames, enabling grand dreams realized at warp speed — physically.

Telematics or “technology for sending digital information over long distances using wireless forms of communication” also needs to be understood through a new set of inquiries. I describe the traditional method of telmatics as energy capture and integration, and revision this as energy tap-in and invitation through cognition, body, generated energy movement, and meditational equipoise. We can send and receive information through the subtle layers of mind-energy that traverse our planetary body and beyond.

We currently use things like fiber-optic, silicon conduits, and ether-net platforms to transmit bits and bites, zeros and ones as information. Despite its confounding process, quantum computing still reduces information eventually into objective segments — Qubits. Or superposition entanglement generated exponentially scaling states recorded as Qubits; this is a technology emerging from an understanding-set initiated from an outward-looking point of view. We can go further.

Telematic machinery originates from a “material first” proposition. A linear and materially grounded “universe from nothing” is not a position to observe or integrate with infinity or psycho-spiritual techniques. Technology like that of the telematics industry needs to see a reality that includes deeper levels of human communication capacity and how the mind and body energy are teachers for the missing pieces of “no-distance” information sharing. We need to learn how to teleport our thought-forms with the most minimal tools possible. We need only enhance or magnify our mental projections to send and receive. We inquire with the entire open-field full-body cognition state into the already available space of infinite information to use the mind/body as the quantum computer it already is.

We do not need intermediaries when we discover the psychic and energetic properties in our selves. Consciousness assisted technology posits that we can originate our tool making using notions from the human mind-body matrix. We are the technology. In these cases, the techniques are inner viewing and the reception of immaterial objects as free flow prospects available on the superhighway of interdependence that includes the human mind. The technology here is the interface between the object — a location of an conscious energetic imprint that extends its nature in three-dimensional reality — and the energy of the body/mind guiding the brain and nervous system into an expansive and yet focused state of mental acuity learned through open-heated focus, technique, and continuous insight.

From this state, we can gaze at the contents and make correlations and capture the qualities of the composition of particles on up to galaxies of complex form. Time is simply the registered phenomenal sequencing of a human mind in form. Form dictates the hallucination of time. As we navigate this confusion of inherent time, we strive for various possible futures. We must use the visualization of an already arrived state of manifest inner gifts to invite our evolution. We must visualize the future that is already here. We must memorize that future, bringing it into the heart, which transcends both space and time.

There is a personal aspect inherent to this practice! Feeling and meaning are introduced when viewing and concentrating the mind-body technology. That is the key! The meaning state and feeling quality is brought to life when the shadow of ignorance and habit illuminate with love.

Surrendered, focused yet expansive love, this conjured state produces the frequency of resonance responsible for our evolution and activated potentials. If we include that consistent state of embodied wisdom and compassion flow to our ever available insight techniques, transcending the need for external tools, we can become the technology we have been seeking.

Josh Reichmann

April 2020


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