CELESTIAL UPDATE - Excerpt from upcoming book. Chapter - "The human body & Solar Beings revealed".


The Body

The human organic form, the mental body, emotional body, feeling tone, meaning habits, and auric patterning, is a song of harmonic or clashing properties. The organic body and its elemental constituents - including its ability or inability to metabolize physical environmental nourishment information, IE: food, air, vibrational earth occurrence or any dense matter stimuli, etc., will be as particular in expression or effect as our individual voices and can be followed like a map. Eventually, this map of interdependent cause and effect, if followed, fearlessly illuminates the geometric resonance signatures gridding our bodies in form-time. Our body, as we come to know it and realize its true dimension, is the gate.

This environmental metabolization capacity of the physical body based on the cells' information activation level determines the speed of mental attributes, tone of a thought-form, and the reception pattern of how our body interprets the externally perceived world. Conversely, our mental habituation and emotional habits feedback and generate grooved links for neurological firings, complex nervous system patterns, chemical quality, and bio-electric pulse rates.

If we add the specific coordinate of our astrological birth position and the ongoing stew of other familial dynamics and bound monads and bodies, the environmental conditions we have been baked in, and the manifold other factors at play, we begin to see how determined we are by a dizzying convergence of factors. Add in the unseen dimensions of beings that feed off us or influence our subtle energies, and a portrait emerges of the vast web animating us.

Atomic, cellular, genetic, and karmic winds of habit or memory, plus our conscious and unconscious memories unlocked or kept in shadow by fear and our current level of willing self-awareness flowering at each moment, all dance to produce our experience of concurrent reality.

Our chakras' specific geometric-plasma formation as bodily incarnation vectors in this life and our relationship to this planet, solar system, galaxy, and the consistent physics of this universe and its lattice of dimensions from most reduced to most elegantly complex all weave into our physical body quality.

World Bodies

If we previously incarnated within a certain homeworld's spectral field (bandwidth of energy) with its sun or suns carrying various attributes of solar intelligence - our psychogenetic memories of how body and prana are supposed to work will be fastened in a certain way and stored in our DNA our atomic and cellular memories, and very rarely our conscious memories. This brings us first to solar intelligence itself.

 True intelligence is not a cold, calculating thing. Rather it is the totality of knowledge activation within an energy body through present time inspiration. Healthy intelligence is information brought to the foreground by constrained energy in a propulsion loop, channeled through a mind, and giving rise to shared dimensionality.

In the case of a star or solar-being - intelligence is vast and full of what we as humans register as pure love and the vitality of life-affirmation, underpinning every aspect of its awareness. A star's self implosive/explosive symmetry is perpetual intelligence manifest.

Stars are generally not singular beings but rather a mix of two primary beings- a masculine enlightened being and a feminine counterpart, nested together through a mega-prana-plasma-light body with a boundary set by its electric charge rate emanating simultaneously in many dimensions. A star or Solar-Being is a living body where many minds also congregate and move at an extremely high-speed interplay rate. This movement or rate of fluctuation in these being's activity contributes to qualitative changes in the light transmissions that impact the Solar-Beings' surrounding planets and minds; for example, humans on earth are impacted by the suns' own solar winds.

There are various interactive influences on Solar-beings such as the galactic sun they are wedded to (and circumnavigating), black holes and the artificial or inverted impressions spewing out of them, and the feedback they receive from the resident planetary minds in evolution, which the Solar-beings energize- such as humanoids.

The last point on the nature of Solar-Beings/stars - If we see how the first nuclear bomb ripped a hole in our space-time continuum, pulling in all types of our pan-dimensional relatives to heed our call and come aid in our civilizational protection, as well as invite all types of nasty interlopers - imagine what a sun, which is equivalent to trillions of atomic bombs going off at all moments would be calling and interacting with on a quantum level.

A star continuously speaks to and builds billions of independent minds and bodies. From gaseous nebula minds to planets to the animal, mineral, plant, and humanoid life-forms, all are largely formed by the host sun's integral spectrum-wave, and particle density output, which translates as plasmic electro gravitational discharge wave- the codes for geometric signal, or cohesion of a form, and the elemental alchemy produced for planets and other dense bodies flows from this.


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