I am bypassing or maybe short-circuiting any potential stifling self-doubt or restraint by jumping into the fray here, but let's talk aliens.
Disclosure has been coming for decades, and while a debate over false disclosures, half-truths, and misleading trails are worth having, it is certain that between the international intelligence communities, black ops, CIA, and former private-sector contractors, there is a now inevitable leak turning tidal wave of intel and release to public info on aliens.

Sadly the main topic will be ignored. In my opinion, the main topic is the nature of nature and the nature of mind, body, and space. This nexus is where we can discover our neighbors, cousins, and interloping races of beings and tap into their nature and ours.

As I discuss in my groups, the emergent unified field theory where vibration/wave, form-particle, spectral dimension, exterior differential forms, differential geometry, and the harmonizing of the intentionality of mental focus and energetic coalescence into a recursive and directive pattern- is all key to engaging with the telekinetic and dematerializing and re-materializing activity of aliens.

Advanced races have all engaged in this fundamental quantum navigation. Some have wielded the more coarse elements to bend to their bodies' needs- this outlook stems from the materialist and acquiring-domineering frame of references- a more primitive waystation of perspective. Others have evolved to understand the inner space ship: the illusory or conventional body's chakra gate tethering and astral entering quality. The subtle mind and the egoic referential persona enmeshes with the body's core energy/QI to move between astral locations that meet or overlay physical ones.

The latter group uses mind or mental attribute and energy to move into the dream body of a plane, world, or planet. This is why they materialize and dematerialize at will.

The former uses the plasma power of our di-electrical universe to traverse between spots on the geometric web of our more dense plane of observable reality - they still hop from "spot to spot" in a sort of wave to particle fluctuation - but are bound not by mental attribute direction propagation - but by physical tech that transports their actual 3d bodies along essential "lay lines" of plasma embedded electric nebula etc.

This year we will more deeply decide which direction we as individuals and as a species take.
In many ways, this opportunity will dictate the timeline course for our race for millennia, even if we evolve along competing lines. Of course, time and trajectory are both elusive. And our Dharma remains the same- it is ALL samsara, so don't get too hooked!

But! For the sake of intrigue and in the interest of a healthy path being forged - I am dedicated to spreading the word of our potential so that our own natures, the potential it offers and the keys to liberation are made known as we accelerate into the galactic assembly and next phase of responsibility as beings in this world system.

Next, I will disclose how to work with the Pleiadians. Our ancient cousins and benevolent guides.



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