Quick update December 25

 The pre-conjunction state of stagnation is giving way to the dynamic energy of creativity and our discernment and orderly reason through Jupiter and Mars, respectively. 

Bottom line: The sun is the god/head and filter for perception and embodiment. The Earth is the mother and we are the intermediary where the holy spirit is manifest.

The continued fast-tracking into the Aquarian era where the prime quality is knowing and unity is upon us! Today!

Instant psychic-embodied awareness is leveled up for all beings- the question is: Can we recognize and harness it? That is the crux of my offerings.

If this overall Yuga of Kali (entropy) (Vedic calendar tracking eons) is all about polarity being located within us, and as projections in all we see (good/evil - masc/fem, etc) - then the current golden era within this Yuga is said to be about finding inner peace by blending our shadow (unintegrated experiences in Samsara) and empowering our own heart-minds so as to stop the polarity projection game. We have an opportunity to become collectively more enlightened and ride a very specific wave of potential right now. 

The gates are opening for a short time only. A Yuga is many thousand years and this golden age is just a window before we slip into more dischord according to Vedic cosmology. 

My own downloads tell the same story. We each have a job to do in assisting the stabilization of the Earth and its custodians. 

We are waking up to our galactic heritage and our true natures! All we need to do is take refuge in a spiritual POV that can accommodate emptiness and compassion while working with our personal signatures that arise in space. 

The best news!: We no longer need to toil in the old contemplative ways of the last few millennia in order to access this perspective/form shift! We no longer require the occultic initiations or esoteric symbols to guide us. We are surrounded by new and ever-renewing energy brought to us by the spectral shift of light in our part of the physical cosmos and across all dimensions. We simply, open up and allow. 

We are the symbols. We are the portals. We are the avatars. We are the mother, the son the holy ghost, and the layers of dharmakaya that create the body, mind, speech, and heart.

Keep going.✨


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