The new template is all around us, so as I describe all of this, it is essentially just a way to recognize what we are exiting and mourn its failings.
The genetic diversity characterizing the bioms
of urban humans has been reduced by 30-40% In the last few decades. Due
to environmental factors including the use of antibiotics flowing in our
environment and prescribed like nuclear bombs for a house break in - we
are radically altered.
Our biomes are decimated and we have acute inflammation as a
result. Everything from heart disease, autoimmune conditions of all
types, strokes, joint and muscular pain, Alzheimer’s etc have shot up in
last decades - hundreds fold.
This corresponded with the unprecedented rise in global
consumption, greed, lack of sustainable production practices and
pollution mismanagement.
The planet’s polluted biom and our own physical ones reflect
each-other. Is that REALLY surprising ? We eat breath and bake down our
entire body through synthesis and interdependence with our environment
in subtle and overt ways. (This is extends to cognition but that’s for
another time).
The corporate medical-pharmaceutical complex (which includes an
ethos and narrow schooling indoctrination, badly incentivized research
etc) thrives on our sickness. It’s blunt medicine is mostly cause not
cure. At best it reflects a method of managing our ignorance while
propagating it and gate keeping its continuation. This is clearly due to
nepotism, capitalized research and a siloed view of health.
This inflammation state triggers massive emotional mental distress
and cripples our ability to generate working relationship responses to
our own bodies and to our lives. We are in sympathetic nervous system
peeking and yellow light level panic and exhaustion states, and we
barely know it. We enter into a loop and breaking the cycle is a job that requires diagnosing the deeper causal links so that we don't repeat and skip into the path to the cycle again.
Most people I work with do not require deep therapeutic healing so much as physiological and environmental healing. The psychic and spiritual stuff is in some ways different.
That’s right! It’s not just you!
There is a feedback loop where the mental confusion/emotional
spiking due to dis-regulation manifesting through cortisol and adrenal
overload makes us sitting ducks for a bad response to a genetic upgrade
such as a virus.
Our philosophical presumptions and the mediated professional
classes echo this knee jerk mistaken approach and belief response to
working with health, and life-itself, into our culture.
A virus is just information, reflection & atmospheric adaptive
programming designed to actually incept data into the population’s body
code. Genetic info. It’s like a natural version game theory activated.
A genetic altering vaccine like MODERNA (modRNA) is designed to
mutate by modification, temporarily, our RNA and allow it to believe we
are sick and thusly mimic an immune state antibody production in
relationship to A PARTICULAR strain of the virus.
Unfortunately the virus mutates as it needs to, just like a new
version of software designed with machine learning to code info into a
hardware platform, always upgrading as it interprets.
In our case, our interdependence with our environment, which we
have poisoned as much as our bodies, is telling us a valuable lesson
about our hardware and about how adaptive change really works.
We have ripped down our natural physical defenses by destroying our
top soil, modifying our produce, living off of hormone filled mass
murdered flesh and importing foods our bodies are not used to.
We have migrated and lost touch with food and water our bodies were
accustomed to for centuries and we expect no averse reactions?
We are pumped full of corn starch, synthetic glucose, nutrient empty frozen food and layers of pesticides.
We are disconnected from our bodies rhythms for sleep and full of chemical garbage to enhance our plastic beauty. We have shunned embodied spiritual technology for tracking our world, our bodies, our genetics, our minds in favour of a narrow materialist view of time and vitality that gives us neither.
We are mesmerized by EMF blasting micro wave devices and agitated
into sympathetic wired up blood dilation, human porn hypnosis and murder
glee, music designed to spell us into worship of greed, amorality,
indulgence and hate.
The media tells us about death and builds hopeless narratives based
on the same thinking that prescribes SSRIs to alter our brain chemistry
and cut off pathways of cognition and process, and pathologizes us for
feeling hopeless and angry in a world addicted to extreme guilty
sentimentality and equally nihilistic cynicism.
So! This is the zombie culture we bring to the pandemic. Our messy
science lock down protocol designed by the wrong professional set (our
politicians and elected main-stream doctors cannot design a true way to
navigate this if the triage that allows civilizations destruction and
mental, familial, educational health is a reasonable trade)
... is eaten up by the hyper sensitive yet resilience crippled
population who’s only refuge are memetic platitudes and flimsy hopes
that pin to extinct truisms no longer suited to the task of addressing
what is in front of them.
This pandemic is showing us our ignorance and the fruits of the
slash and burn path we’ve cut. The fruits are poison and stupidity.
We strayed from reason when we tethered our world to the corporate
data led launch pad of a technocratic future where the depersonalized
anti human POV of too much cold analysis and too little wisdom reigned.
It’s future is an AI run world of acquiescence to authority and an authority that has no soul. Literally.
The alternative is what I espouse without any confusion. It is the
future where we teach children to understand their nature’s and have the
fortified empowerment of spiritual cultivation offered by people who
have dared to be fully human as an inhuman society builds around them.
This will offer an alternative course for those willing to dream of
a new way. A new way that honors thousands of years of wisdom and
doesn’t throw that out in the name of exploitative and truly blind
materialist fear and surrender.
Don’t surrender !
Spirituality is fearlessly knowing our nature.
Love you.
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