Choosing From Our Overlaping Futures

When we do sufficient psychological probing and confront our own latent shadows and sticky beliefs, we open up the psychic body. When we spike our energy body through extraordinary experiences that dislodge our normal perceptual vantage point- managed sympathetic adrenal floods to open our sense apertures, psychedelics, focused stress, etc. - we allow a new level of embodied perception to penetrate the subtle body. We merge our organic form with or energetic overlay or aura. This coupled with a purifying practice and devotional humbling frame, and we are on the right path. When we do so, we unlock DNA sequences that in turn affect perception and allow for deeper and wider apprehension of all objects of focus. This begets a poetic knowing state where a synchronistic method of apprehending is achieved. We hear, see, feel and experience with the body whatever we come into contact with, whether it be an internal projection or external one. There is little difference. The inner and ou...